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Hydraulic forging press Uralmash 30000 ton

  • Condition
  • Very good, full complete by mechanical part.

  • Technical Specifications
  • Capacity 30,000 tons
    Number of stages of growth 2
    Nominal strength of the stages 1 stage 15000 tons, 2 stage 30,000 tons
    The distance between the rings 3500×3500 mm
    Open height 4650 mm
    Press weight 1660 tons, plus the weight of the traverse 147 tons, 79 tons column.
  • Additional Information
  • Characteristics of the moving beam
    Strength, tons
    A) working cylinder 4×7700
    B) 4×250 lifting cylinder mechanism
    B) cylinder kicker 2×95
    The course of the moving beam 1250 mm
    Speed, mm / s 30
    Surface size (table) 2500×3000 mm
Hydraulic forging press Uralmash 30000 ton
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