Hot forging press Kramatorsk K8548 6300 ton

# HF-KR-001
  • Condition
  • Under retrofit works. Will be totally retrofitted and modernized.  YOM: 1988.

  • Technical Specifications
  • Force 6300 ton
    Slider stroke length 460 mm
    Number of courses of a slider per minute 40
    Shut height 1150 mm
    Adjustment of a table on height 15 mm
    Table overall dimensions  
    depth 1950 mm
    width 1900 mm
    The size of a slider  
    depth 1680 mm
    width 1680 mm
    Force of the top ejector 10 ton
    Force of the bottom ejector 16 ton
    Main electric motor power 400 kW
    Number of turns of the electric motor 590 rpm
    Machine overall dimensions  
    length 8600 mm
    width 5900 mm
    height 12700 mm
    Press weight 634450 kg
  • Additional Information
  • Vertical Hot forging press Kramatorsk K8548 6300 ton are used for production of precise die forgings with utilization in the automotive industry, for hot and semi-hot forging, with high stiffness and extensive diagnostics, including modern, precise and solid fixtures and other comprehensive equipment.

    Hot forging press Kramatorsk K8548 6300 ton designed for hot stamping of hand tools, automotive parts, motorcycles, bicycles, trains, ships, aircraft, machine tools, textile machinery, woodworking machinery, transport equipment, mining equipment, spare parts, etc.

Hot forging press Kramatorsk K8548 6300 ton
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Photo - Hot forging press Kramatorsk K8548 6300 ton

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